12 STEPS + 5


 Corbett Monica

March 1996


With the inception of Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935, it is now widely known that 12 Step self-help support groups have been the source of tremendous healing and recovery for countless people. While some may dispute the tenants of AA, few in the recovery field would argue its results. A wide variety of self-help support groups have not only demonstrated their effectiveness, but have also been shown to fill a needed gap in the health services delivery system.

Over the past decade or so, it has become abundantly clear that the majority of persons who suffer from major mental illness have concurrent substance abuse problems. The combination of these two primary diseases has come to be know as “Dual Diagnosis”. The progression of one or more of these diseases leads to a tremendous amount of suffering, or, as is aptly heard in AA/NA meetings…”to jail, institutions, or death”.


It is not enough to focus on one or the other illness, for BOTH are primary. We must go beyond the tendencies of the Social Model recovery philosophy that claims successful substance abuse treatment necessarily leads to a cessation of mental illness symptoms. We must also go beyond the tendencies of the Medical Model clinical philosophy that claims successful treatment of mental illness necessarily leads to a cessation of substance abuse. Blending the philosophy of the Social Model of recovery with the clinical philosophy of the Medical Model makes a tremendous difference in successful treatment. Dual Diagnosis Anonymous

(DDA), represents an effort toward building a support group that recognizes the importance of this blending. Embracing the 12 Steps of Recovery, DDA puts a special emphasis on mental illness and the importance of clinical/medical management. It has been difficult, at best, for many people with dual diagnosis to attend traditional 12 step programs for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons include: a sense of “symptomatic difference” between addicts and alcoholics and dually diagnosed persons. Some symptoms may result in disruptive behaviors during meetings, further alienating the dually diagnosed. Many dually diagnosed people experience increased levels of fear, anxiety and/or paranoia in group settings. Additionally, there is a common perception among some more traditional 12 Step members is that medical management represents the “easy way”, and do not consider those individuals who take prescribed medications to be “clean and sober”. For these reasons, the feeling of “not fitting in” at traditional 12 Step meetings is common for many individuals with dual diagnosis. Now there is an alternative. Because DDA recognizes the importance of “fitting in” with other 12 step support group members


1. We admitted we were powerless over our dual diagnosis, and that our lives had become unmanageable.

2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understood Him.

4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.

9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others who still suffer from the effects of dual diagnosis, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

The Twelve Steps are reprinted with permission of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Permission to reprint and adapt the Twelve Steps does not mean that A.A. is in any way affiliated with this program. A.A. is a program of recovery from alcoholism only — use of the Twelve Steps in connection with programs and activities which are patterned after A.A., but which address other problems, or in any other non A.A. context, does not imply otherwise.


1. We admitted that we had a mental illness, in addition to our substance abuse, and we accepted our dual diagnosis.

2. We became willing to accept help for both of these diseases.

3. We have understood the importance of medication, clinical interventions, and therapies, and we have accepted the need for sobriety from alcohol and abstinence from all non-prescribed drugs in our program.

4. We came to believe that when our own efforts were combined with the help of others in the fellowship of DDA, and God, as we understood Him, we would develop healthy drug and alcohol free lifestyles.

5. We continued to follow the DDA Recovery Program of the Twelve Steps plus Five managing our wellbeing, a healthy addiction free lifestyle, and helped others.


Meetings of DDA are very much like traditional 12 Step meetings. While there is no “leader”, it is helpful to have an experienced DDAer, or trained professional present who possesses an experiential understanding of 12 Step programs and/or recognizes the benefits of these programs. While this person does not necessarily “run” the meetings, for effective meetings run themselves, s/he can gently re-focus the meeting if necessary to keep it focused and on track.

Corbett Monica is the Founder of DDA and Executive Director of Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon, Inc.



Dual Diagnosis Anonymous

1989-1990- Rick Smith, supervising counselor for Riverside County CA recruits Corbett Monica as a potential dual diagnosis specialist for Riverside County.

March 1991– Corbett Monica was hired by Bob Hillis, Administrator of the Riverside County, CA Alcohol Program to provide services for clients throughout the County who were dually diagnosed, including co-facilitating psycho-educational sessions.  He also facilitated meetings of the peer support group called Support Together for Emotional and Mental Serenity and Sobriety (STEMSS) developed by Michael Bricker, Corbett, and other County employees regularly attended the 12 step Programs of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) with dually diagnosed clients as a compliment to their ongoing treatment.

July 1995– Bob Hillis becomes Administrator of San Bernardino County, CA Department of Behavioral Health; Alcohol and Drug Programs and hires Corbett to provide services for clients throughout the County who were dually diagnosed.  Due to the success in Riverside County, many of the same services, such as co-facilitating psycho-educational groups, STEMSS Meetings and AA/NA attendance, were implemented.

January 1996– Corbett and Richard Mcloud bring a group of dually diagnosed residents from Redwood Guest Home Board and Care to a traditional 12 Step meeting in Fontana, CA. One of the residents, Ruben G., diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia and Alcoholism, was disruptive during the meeting due to his severe symptoms of psycho motor agitation, auditory hallucinations, paranoia, and anxiety.   Richard and Corbett were asked not to bring Ruben G. to any more meetings due to the distraction and disruption he caused to other members.  Corbett recognized the importance of a 12 Step program for people like Ruben who did not “fit in” to the more traditional settings of 12 step programs.    With an understanding that dual diagnosis involves the two primary diseases of mental illness and substance abuse, Corbett developed 5 Steps of recovery that emphasized dual diagnosis and began the modified 12 Step Program of Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA).  He began working on a “Concept Paper” titled “Dual Diagnosis Anonymous; 12 Steps Plus Five.”  

February 1996-The first DDA meeting was held at the First Presbyterian Church in Fontana CA, on the 1st of February 1996 at 6:00 PM.  This meeting was chaired by Corbett and attended by a dozen residents of Redwood Guest Home. Corbett reported to the San Bernardino County Department of Mental Health Dual Diagnosis Committee Meeting that he had changed the name of the support groups he was conducting from STEMSS to Dual Diagnosis Anonymous, in order to be consistent with other 12 Step programs.  Corbett completed the first draft of the concept paper: “Dual Diagnosis Anonymous; 12 Steps Plus Five” and revised it in March 1996.

May 1996 – On May 7th Corbett sent a letter to Alcoholics Anonymous World Services in New York requesting permission to use the DDA version of the 12 Steps of AA for the DDA program. On May 16th AA granted permission to DDA to use the revised version of the 12 Steps with an appropriate disclaimer.  The new DDA Meeting began at Cedar House in Bloomington, CA. Corbett completes the first draft of DDA meeting materials (Format, Preamble, 12 Steps, 5 Steps).

June 1996– DDA meetings are now held at the following locations:  First Presbyterian Church in Fontana, San Bernardino Valley College, Victor Valley Counseling Center  in Hesperia, The Recovery Center in Upland, and Team House in San Bernardino.

October 1996-The DDA meeting at the First Presbyterian Church in Fontana is attended by fifty DDAer’s.  This marks the most attendees ever at a DDA meeting.

November 1996– Corbett is featured in “Inside Oriented” a monthly publication of the San Bernardino County of Behavioral Health, in an article entitled, “Corbett Monica’s Experience Enables Him To Offer Hope To Dually Diagnosed Clients.”  The article highlights the quote by Dostoyevsky; “To Live Without Hope Is to Cease To Live”, as one of Corbett’s guiding principles.  This quote becomes a cornerstone of the philosophy of the DDA Program.

May 1997– First DDA meeting held at Patton State Hospital in San Bernardino, CA.  Meeting is held in the “T” Building, the same Building where Corbett resided while in Treatment there in 1971.  Fifty-One people attended meeting.

June 1997-The First Annual Dual Diagnosis Anonymous “Spring Fling” is held in San Bernardino on 6-6-1997 and  attended by an estimated 200 DDA’ers!   

July 1997– Clancy Miller, who works with dually diagnosed resident of Orchid Court attends his first DDA meeting at the First Presbyterian Church in Fontana, CA. with thirteen residents.  This increases the average attendance there from twenty-seven to forty. 

December 1997-There are now sixteen weekly DDA meetings in San Bernardino County. 

April,1998– On April 23rd Corbett corresponded with Alcoholics Anonymous World Services in New York, requesting permission to use the DDA version of the 12 Traditions of AA for the DDA program. On April 30th AA granted permission to DDA to use the revised version of the 12 Traditions with an appropriate disclaimer.  First draft of 12 Traditions for DDA completed.

June 1998– The Second Annual Dual Diagnosis Anonymous Spring Fling is held in San Bernardino, with attendance over 200 people. 

July 1998– DDA averages two hundred and four contacts per month for the past year in California.  Corbett begins new position as the Treatment Supervisor of Men’s Services at the De Paul Treatment Center in Portland, OR

September 1998-The first DDA meeting in Oregon is held at the De Paul Residential Treatment Center in downtown Portland at 8:00 PM and is attended by thirteen people. 

April 1999– Corbett becomes the first Program Manager for Project Oasis.  Project Oasis is an integrated effort of two agencies: CODA (a substance abuse treatment service delivery system), and Mental Health West (a mental health service delivery system) in downtown Portland.  Project Oasis is an intensive case management program for high-risk felony offenders with a dual diagnosis. The second chapter of DDA begins at Mental Health West in downtown Portland and is attended by seven people.

2001– Gregory Sweetwood from San Bernardino, CA writes first draft of “Just for Today.”

August 2001– Corbett accepts a position as Lead Counselor for the Bridgepoint Program at Columbia River Correctional Facility (CRCI).  CRCI is a minimum-security prison and Bridgepoint is a fifty-bed dual diagnosis program for men. The first Bridgepoint Chapter of DDA begins and is attended by twelve men. 

September 2002-The number of DDA meetings at Bridgepoint increases to five weekly.

January 2003– Mark Buckner and Bridgepoint DDA Chapter draft the first DDA “Six Rules of Respect.”

February 2003– Meetings are now held Monday through Friday at the Bridgepoint Program.  Corbett and Mark revised the meeting format. 

April 2003– Following his release from CRCI Mark Buckner, with help and support from Laurie Ellet establishes Cascadia Chapter of DDA in North Portland.

July 2003 – Corbett revises and condenses Just For Today in DDA and the Six rules of Respect become the Five Rules of Respect.

January 2004– Corbett meets with Bob Nikkel, Oregon Director of Addictions and Mental Health (AMH) who immediately supports DDA as an important peer recovery component. 

May 2005 – Corbett meets with Mary-Claire Buckley, Executive Director of the Psychiatric Security Review Board (PSRB) who supports DDA as a support program for persons supervised by the PSRB and suggests that Oregon AMH attempt to identify a source of funding to create DDA of Oregon. With support from Bob Nikkel funds are identified to launch DDA of Oregon as a statewide peer-recovery support program.

July 2005- Corbett meets with Tim Hartnett, Executive Director of CODA, Inc., and CODA managers; Margaret Thiele, and Janet Bardossi who support DDA and agree to provide infrastructure to proposed project DDA of Oregon.

September 2005– On September 6, the Statewide Project: “Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon” begins as a collaborative effort between the State Office of Addictions and Mental Health, The Psychiatric Security Review Board, Multnomah County, CODA, Inc. and Project Director/Founder Corbett Monica.

October 2005– First DDA of Oregon monthly Fellowship Gathering is held in Salem.

November 2005– DDA of Oregon launches its web page and starts meetings at the Oregon State Hospital.

July 2006– Effective July 1st a Sole Source Determination Contract with the State Office of Addictions and Mental Health is awarded to Corbett as an independent contractor.

December 2006– First “Unofficial” DDA of Oregon Board meets in Salem.  First Annual DDA of Oregon “Fun In Recovery” Bowling Bonanza is held at Mt. Hood Lanes in Gresham.  Over fifty DDAer’s attended.

January 2007– Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon is Incorporated as a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.

February 2007– Central Office of DDA of Oregon opens in downtown Portland.

March 2007– First “Official” DDA of Oregon, Inc. Board meeting.

December 2007 – Second Annual DDA of Oregon “Fun in Recovery” Bowling Bonanza is held and attended by over sixty DDAer’s.  DDA of Oregon has established some 80 new meetings in 18 Counties in Oregon.

January 2008– Sixty-seven people attend DDA in the 50 Building at Oregon State Hospital. This is the largest regular weekly DDA meeting ever held in Oregon! The first ever DDA meeting is held in Vancouver WA and is attended by four people.

March 2008 – Corbett finalizes DDA readings (Meeting format, Rules of Respect, Preamble, Opening Prayer, 12 Steps, 5 Steps, Just for Today in DDA, and Group Meeting Record). Under the guidance and financial approval of the board of directors DDA of Oregon, Inc. readings, Logo, and History are submitted for trademark/copyright protection.

April 2008- Corbett participates on the OPB radio series “On Our Minds.” DDA of Oregon hires an Office Coordinator at its downtown location. Five new chapters began.

July 2008- Corbett completes first draft of the DDA meeting format principles and guidelines packet for facilitators.

August 2008 – Twenty new chapters began in Oregon since March including those at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility and Oregon State Hospital. Corbett met with Oregon Governor Kulongoski regarding DDA and peer support programs.

September 2008 – DDA begins in Iowa.

October 2008- DDA Founder and Executive Director, Corbett Monica receives Trademark registration approval letter from Registered Patent Attorney Peter A. Haas. 1) DDA of Oregon Inc plus Design, 2) DDA of Oregon (word mark).

November 2008 – DDA of Oregon now has a total of 332 chapters statewide. DDA Staff celebrate sobriety birthdays: Frank, 2 years; David, 7 years; and Corbett, 22 years clean and sober! It’s the 3rd year anniversary of monthly Fellowship Meetings.

January 2009 – 3rd Annual “Fun in Recovery” Bowling Bonanza with nearly one hundred participants. First Issue of the DDA newsletter. These events help build support and give back to the community.

May 2009 – Ten new chapters began in January. Corbett was interviewed for both radio and newspaper features in Astoria, Oregon. He met with actor and filmmaker Joey Pantoliano and previewed Pendolino’s new documentary about mental illness, “No Kidding, Me Too” with Bob Nikkel and Dr. Dean Brooks.



July 2009 – DDA now has chapters in Connecticut, New York, and Massachusetts

September 2009 – Fourteen new chapters began in May. Corbett was honored with a gubernatorial appointment to the Oregon State Hospital Advisory Board.

January 2010 – Six new chapters began in September. DDA held the 4th Annual “Fun in Recovery” Bowling Bonanza. DDA Advisory Board retreat to discuss and brainstorm long term goals for DDA of Oregon.

August 2010 – Corbett Monica, B.A., C.A.D.C. II, Robert E. Nikkel, M.S.W., and Robert E. Drake, M.D Ph.D. published “Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon” article in the  PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES Journal of ps.psychiatryonline.org – August 2010   Vol. 61   No. 8


September 2010 – DDA of Oregon receives Addictions and Mental Health Hope, Resilience & Recovery Outstanding Community Service Organization Award for outstanding impact in the field of

alcohol and drug prevention, treatment, and recovery.

January 2011– DDA contracts with Oregon State prisons (CRCI-CCCF).

October 2011 – DDA hires new Assistant Director, Doyal Smith, NCRC, CADC-1, QMHA- 1

Doyal sits on the Board of directors of Mental Health Addictions of Oregon (MHAO, now MHAAO) alongside Corbett Monica and DDA Board President Kevin Bowers.

Doyal is a man in long-term recovery from mental health and addiction challenges (recovery date 03/10/1993). He has over seventeen years of working as an A&D Counselor, Supervisor, and Program Developer in addiction and mental health services.

 Doyal has extensive experience in non-profit, and the last thirteen plus years as a contractor providing his expertise inside of Oregon State’s Correctional Institutions (CRCI, CCCF, and SCI).

October-2011- Assistant Director, Doyal Smith solidifies new partnership DDA with Central City Concerns– Veterans meeting at the Bud Clark Commons and the Community Engagement Center (30 participants average weekly attendance).

November 2011- Founder and Executive Director,Corbett Monica, and Asst. Director, Doyal Smith meet with Richard Ott, Director of Recovery Services and Michael Hlebechuk to implement DDA’s first contractual agreement with the Oregon State Hospital.

December 2011 – Jeffrey Cogen Chairman of the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners meets with Assistant Director Doyal Smith to discuss Multnomah County funding. Corbett Monica and Doyal Smith follow up and develop Multnomah County contract.

April – 2012 Corbett Monica, Doyal Smith and board member Harold Bear Cabbage and Andrew Smith meet with Linda Hammond 2nd Chief Operating Officer, OHA, State of Oregon to re- negotiate continued funding from OHA/AMA.

April-2012 DDA launches People of Color meeting at Miracles Club in NE Portland. The first meeting was attended by Herman Bryant, Executive Director Miracles Club, Dionne Preston, Corbett Monica, Doyal Smith, and 11 additional participants.

July 2012– DDA’s Asst Director is keynote at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility (CCCF). Doyal speaks in front of approximately 200 guest and Pathways graduates regarding DDA’s impact and partnerships with DOC.

September 2012- SAMHSA’s 2012 Partners for Recovery highlights DDA of Oregon in their Peers for Recovery (PFR) Partner in Focus award.

October 2012- Alternatives DDA Workshop -Corbett Monica, Founder and Executive Director of Dual Diagnosis Anonymous and Doyal Smith provide a DDA workshop presentation at Alternatives 2012 conference. The workshop was attended by approximately seventy-five participants.

January 2013– DDA meets with Max Williams of the Oregon Community Foundation and submits the DDA Family Support Network grant application.

February 2013- DDA launches a 6-month focus group. Resulting in:

 First-Person Perspectives on Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA): A Qualitative Study.

Sean Roush-Pacific University

  • Corbett Monica-Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon
  • Elizabeth Carpenter-Song-Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center
  • Robert E. Drake-Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center

May-2013- Dr Dean Brooks, DDA Board of Director passes. Dr. Dean Brooks who played Dr. Spivey of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and longtime Superintendent of the Oregon State Hospital was a powerful advocate for patient’s reform during his professional Career.

Video link to DR Dean Brooks:


June 2013- DDA launches its Family Support Network 12 steps plus 5  groups and provides seven new chapters.

September 2013- What is Water DDA Fundraiser presented by Scott Spencer Wolf and keynoted by Corbett Monica. This event was held in Washington County at Hillsboro United Methodist Church 168 NE 8th Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 and attended by approximately seventy-five attendees.

November 2013- DDA’s Assistant Director, Doyal Smith is interviewed by the board of Directors and hired as the new Executive Director of Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon Inc.

Board members present-Bob Nikkel, Dr. Gina Nikkel, Kevin Bowers, Derald Walker, Leslie Ford, Kevin Campbell, Dr. Phil Shapiro, Gary Sjolander, Herold Bear Cubbage, Michele White, Silas Halloran Steiner, Mary Clare Buckley, and Andrew Smith.

December-2013- Corbett Monica puts in his two weeks’ notice and stepping down to retire as the Executive Director of Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon.

January 2014-New Executive Director Doyal Smith begins his tenure as the new Executive Director of Dual Diagnosis Anonymous. Corbett Monica is hired asa consultant and continues his legacy as Founder of Dual Diagnosis Anonymous.

January 2014 – DDA has established over 100 chapters in 32 of the 36 counties in Oregon averaging 3,000 to 4, 000 monthly contacts statewide. DDA is also provides meetings sporadically throughout the United States as well as Czech Republic Prague and Ireland.

January-2014 DDA improves its equity and inclusiveness through its diversity meetings of LGBTQI at the Q center and the Compass house- BIPOC through Miracles Club, Youth at Outside in, and Latino through Yamhill County’s Spanish speaking DDA groups.

April 2014– DDA Veteran presentation & Keynotes at Stand up for Veterans in Clackamas Community College 19600 Molalla Ave., Oregon City, OR 97045.

March 2014– DDA expands to Lostine, Juniper Ridge, and Jackson County Oregon.

June 2014– United Kingdom visits DDA. In 2014, Dan Ware (a frontline worker in London Homelessness Services with an interest in Dual Diagnosis), visited Corbett in Portland, Oregon and was blown away by the DDA meeting he attended and the whole DDA program.

September 2014- Corbett Monica is Keynote at SAMHSA Recovery NW Project for Portland Oregon Recovery Month.


August 2014- DDA’s first Wallow Round Up Campout- Attended by thirty-eight DDA’ers.

February 2015– DDA Receives the Oregon State Hospital Appreciation Award.

February 2015 – DDA’s 10th Annual Bowling Bonanza at Wilsonville Lanes approx. 150 DDA’ers participated in this community and peer support building event.

February 2015– DDA starts Latino DDA groups in McMinnville and Clackamas Oregon now providing group literature in Spanish.

May 2015- The launch of Corbett Monica’s “A Journey through the 12 steps Plus Five Workbook. Corbett Monica and Doyal Smith present the first workbook workshop at the GOBHI Conference in Bend, Oregon. Later there will be many training courses and a syllabus created to help train the trainers teaching this workbook.


August 2015– DDA holds its 2nd Annual Campout in Wallowa Oregon. Cobbett Monica would present his last keynote that was attended by approximately sixty-five participants.


September 2015– DDA’s Executive Director Doyal Smith launches the first DDA Step Study group using “A Journey Through the 12 Steps Plus 5 workbook.”

October 2015– DDA’s Founder Corbett Monica passes away and honored at three separate celebrations of Life. Corbett Monica Memorial Celebration Dec 5th at the First Unitarian Church, Eliot Chapel, 1011 SW 12th Ave., Portland, OR.

January 2016– UK DDA is officially formed. In 2014, Daniel Ware gained permission from Corbett Monica to take DDA to the UK and in 2016, set up Dual Diagnosis Anonymous as a non-profit organization with his old friend Alan Butler.

January 2016- DDA creates the first full time Dual Diagnosis Anonymous Support Specialist (DDASS) for the Washington County Sheriff’s Department. DDASS, Edwin Howard also provides veterans support inside and outside the County jails.

March 2018- DDA of Oregon Board of Directors instruct Executive Director Doyal Smith to hire Klarquist Sparkman, LLP and apply/register “DDA” and “Dual Diagnosis Anonymous” Trademark/Service Mark through United States Patent and Trademark Office.

July 2017- DDA receives the Community Partners and Appreciation Award from Eugene Oregon   Laurel Hill Center.

June 2018- Board member and Pacific University Professor, Sean Roush and ED, Doyal Smith fly to the UK to present DDA at the University of London with professor Raffaella Margherita Milani. Doyal would also present with UK DDA Directors, Daniel Ware and Alan Butler NHS’s Mental health Care and support Conference.

August 2018– DDA launches its new website.

March 2019- DDA of Oregon receives official certificate approval from Klarquist Sparkman, LLP. Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon Inc has legal trademark rights of five classifications under both “Dual Diagnosis Anonymous” and “DDA” through United States Patent and Trademark Office.

May 2019– Cascadia BHC Garlington Center honors Corbett Monica by dedicating their new education room in his name for his extraordinary service to the community and founding DDA. Cascadia BHC’s CEO Derald Walker and Executive Director Doyal Smith proceeded over the ceremony, attended by Corbett’s wife, Cindy Monica, and over 50 prominent figures, DDAers, and board members.

June 2019- DDA UK Qualitative/Quantitative findings/outcomes “An Evaluation of the first UK Dual Diagnosis Anonymous pilot for individuals with coexisting mental and addictive disorder final report” was completed in the UK at the University of West London Dr Raffaella Margherita Milani and Keisha Nahar and collaboration off DDA USA.


October 2019- DDA’s first all-woman of color peer support chapter starts at the Diane Wade House in Gresham Oregon.


March 2020 – COVID- 19 pandemic strikes closing most of the DDA chapters statewide.

March 2020- DDA launches 14 online DDA meetings reach people as far as St Petersburg Russia, Netherlands, and throughout the United States. DDA creates a member only chatroom and

support/resource site for 24hr support.

December 2020- DDA UK: A Joint presentation today Sean Roush, Dr Raffaella Margherita Milani, Daniel Ware, and Alan!  You were all amazing! an integrated peer-led approach for individuals with co-existing mental and addictive disorders.


June 2021- Italy DDA Elisabetta Ratti, Educatrice Professionale Addiction Counsellor Mental Coach Recovery Coach Certified implements DDA chapter of Italy.

March 2022- DDA receives weekly contact regarding more information about our program from DDA’ers, family members, and professionals across the United States, Italy, Ireland, London, Canada, Netherlands, and Scotland.

November 2022- UK DDA presents in Lisbon Portugal at the Lisbon Addiction Conference on DDA’s study support outcomes DDA provided during the Covid19 lockdown.

November 2022- DDA holds its 15th Annual Bowling Bonanza at the Milwaukie Bowl. This community clean and sober support building and community education event was attended by over 150 participants, stakeholders, and four DDA Board members (Bob Nikkel, Beth Epps, Jeffery Worthington, and Doyal Smith).

December 2022– DDA USA/DDA UK presents to the University of West London students on the history and growth of DDA. Associate Professor Raffaella Margherita Milani, Adjunct Professor Sean Roush, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA Pacific University, Executive Director, DDA of Oregon, Doyal Smith, and UK DDA Director, Alan Butler were all presenters.

December 2022- DDA holds its 3rd annual Miracles in Motion community event. Over 100 DDAer’s and their families attended this event in Washington County at Hillsboro United Methodist Church 168 NE 8th Hillsboro, Oregon 97124.

January 2023- DDA has reopened with over 60 in-person chapters in Oregon with approximately 600 monthly participants. DDA has 23 online meetings, reaching over 1500 monthly participants worldwide. As of January 2023, DDA has approximately 843 members on its members-only chatroom resource page and over 1500 followers on our public Facebook page. DDA’s website has over 315000 visitors.