Support Us… It will only take a minute
DDA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that welcomes contributions. We depend on contributions from donors like you so we may continue our mission of hope and recovery to those who experience the challenges of having a dual diagnosis. With these contributions, we can provide coffee, snacks, and materials to our members, and other costs associated with contributing to the wellness of our members. We couldn’t exist without the support of people like you.
Thank you!
Your contribution can go to, but are not limited to:
Other Ways to Support:
You may support DDA, without cost to you, by choosing DDA as the non-profit linked to your Fred Meyer rewards card. This choice means while you shop the organization donates to DDA automatically – not out of your pocket.
Mail a Check to Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon: PO Box 2883 Portland, OR 97208